The Colors of Infrastructure, or the Need for Rethinking our Way to Structure the Territory.
This article will seek to approach the discussion on the ways of structuring the territory, understanding this process as the one that allows conditioning the environmental support adapted to a development model. This refurbishment involves the provision of networks of infrastructures, services and equipment buildings, taking as a framework the processes of expansion, consolidation and densification of the urban fabric. All this finds a framework in the complex context posed by the challenges posed by climate change that make it necessary to incorporate resilience as part of urban agendas; This supposes the necessary redefinition of the way of structuring the territory, for which the discussion on the anthropic impact of infrastructures on ecosystems constitutes a neuralgic point of this discussion.
For all this, the definition of gray, green, blue and integrated infrastructures was addressed; in the second instance, the need to rethink our ways of conditioning the territory will be argued – and at this point we will turn to various authors with the intention of beginning to compose a conceptual corpus that allows us to think about this process of building more resilient cities, capitalizing on the contributions of Marvin Harris (2004), (Forman, 2004; and Vila Subiros, 2006), Stefano Mancuso (2019) and the discussion on the green new deal and the ecosocial pact of the south.
We will bring up an example of a green infrastructure application applied on a large scale; The work will close with the enumeration of the challenges that this necessary transformation of the way of building territory would suppose in the face of a scenario of depletion of common goods and climate change.
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