
Architectures and Landscapes beneath dynamic planetary crises scenarios

  • Luciano Brina
Keywords: architecture, landscape, project, planetarity, environment, research


Introductory text prepared by the journal’s editor, in which the general theme of the issue in question and the relationship of the texts published with it are discussed.


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Sassen, S. (2015). Expulsiones. Brutalidad y complejidad en la economía global. Buenos Aires: Katz

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Jameson, F. (2004). Una modernidad singular. Ensayo sobre la ontología del presente. Barcelona: Gedisa

Pietrusko, R. (2020). A Speculative Cartography. En The New Normal. Zürich: Park Books

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How to Cite
Brina, L. (2021). Transitivities. Teks Del Sud, 3(1), 08-12. Retrieved from