El Landscape as Heritage’s Integration Vector and the Social Appropriation of Territory
The impact of human action on landscapes around the world in recent decades confirms the need to rethink the way we manage the territory. The awareness of the climate emergency and the inequalities generated by globalization calls for a systematic search for global commitments supported by local actions of countries and nations.
We are obliged to attend to the identity of the territories when making decisions about them to promote a sustainable and diversified use through their endogenous resources, avoiding general criteria and automated dynamics that deny the specific casuistry of each place.
A new paradigm of cultural heritage as the central axis for a new management of the territory is being imposed and, within it, the landscape as a non-exclusive identity manifestation of the link that identifies each community with the space it inhabits.
This article is part of this debate and addresses the way in which the landscape, understood as a vector for the integration of heritage and the social use of the territory, is capable of assuming a fully operational and projectual vocation.
The synergy between new digital technologies, ICTs and especially Geographic Information Systems, and transdisciplinary cooperation are revealed as two fundamental keys for project action. In this, architecture must adopt a primary role since it has the methodological and operational instruments of a purposeful look at the territory. The interweaving between landscape, heritage and architecture generates reflections and specific guidelines for action.
This text is situated in said hybridization territory with the aim of favoring an up-to-date debate on the concept of landscape and its application in public policies and socioeconomic development projects. The conceptual route outlined reveals four complementary strategic lines that are considered pertinent when considering how we can think about the landscape today and how the architecture project can be formalized as an appropriate mechanism for its condensation and interpretation.
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