To observe, to walk, and to design

Landscape proposals for Calchaquí Valley

  • Pablo Andrés Prone
  • Sergio Perotta
Keywords: Architecture, Ecotone, Geography, Landscape, Salta


The current work contains the registry and the landscape proposals carried out in the context of the international scientific seminar Architectural Projects in the Natural and Cultural Landscape of the Calchaquí Valley, Salta, Argentina, jointly organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Catholic University of Salta (FAU UCASAL) and the University Institute of Architecture and Construction Sciences of the University of Seville (IUACC University of Seville).
The records and representations produced sought to multiply the approaches to the site. Its subsequent systematization allowed to establish specific concepts and evaluative parameters in relation to activities to be developed, haptic experiences, necessary equipment, and commercial and patrimonial opportunities. Said representations eventually settled into four landscape proposals that, although different from each other in their particular materialization, share guidelines regarding the qualification of the natural environment, the improvement of the conditions of use of the routes and pre-existing sighting points, and the ordering of the possible forms of human intervention.


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How to Cite
Prone, P. A., & Perotta, S. (2020). To observe, to walk, and to design. Teks Del Sud, 2(1), 25-36.
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