E-ISSN 2250-7132
ISSN 2250-7124
Current Issue

Cuadernos Universitarios es una publicación academica de la Facultad de Educacion de la de la Universidad Católica de Salta, Argentina, creada en el año 2008 y publicada bajo el sello EUCASA (Ediciones Universidad Católica de Salta).
Es una revista de periodicidad anual, centrada en temas de educación superior, en nuestro contexto regional y nacional, en diálogo con los contextos internacionales. Su enfoque es multidisciplinar, pues se pretende el abordaje de la temática desde diferentes campos disciplinares y áreas de interés.
Full Issue
Cuadernos Universitarios is a scientific publication of the Catholic University of Salta, Argentina, created in 2008 (ISSN: 2250-7124 / e-ISSN: 2250-7132) and published under the EUCASA seal (Editions Catholic University of Salta). An open access magazine. In other words, all of its content is freely available free of charge for lawful use by users, without prior authorization from the author or publisher. The authors retain, however, the right to be properly cited. It is an annual magazine, originally created with a plural content and, from the next issue (12, 2019), will focus on higher education issues, in our regional and national context, in dialogue with international contexts. Its approach is multidisciplinary, because it is intended to address the issue from different disciplinary fields and areas of interest. It contains articles, essays, notes and book reviews. The works are unpublished and of an original nature, and are subjected to an external evaluation process to the publishing entity for acceptance. Responsibility for the opinions expressed in the texts and respect for intellectual property rests with the authors. University students have been incorporated into the Latindex Catalog (Regional Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal), Folio 23762, and the CLASS database (Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities).