Notes for the analysis of vocational PISH, Vocational Dialogues, Life Project and ARGEVOC
This article originates in the paper “Aportes de la gestalt y el enfoque sistémico en orientación vocacional” (Gestalt Contributions and Systemic Approach in Vocational Orientation) (2018) by Norma Terceros, Franco Tornello and Gabriela Uño presented at the XIX Congreso Argentino de Orientación Vocacional (19th Argentine Vocational Orientation Congress). Through it I seek to provide some fundamental ideas -derived from the Gestalt Therapy and Systemic Psychology theoretical frameworks - for the analysis of these techniques in vocational orientation processes.
As I do not intend to give either a thorough or introductory description of the Gestalt or the systemic approach, the bibliographic references may serve as a guide for further reading. Mention will be made of basic conceptual ideas in the introduction of the article to understand the context from which Vocational Family Tree, Life Project, Vocational PISH and Vocational Dialogues techniques are derived. These techniques are not original; they are widely known in vocational orientation work as is the case of the first two, while the last two are adaptations of techniques already existing in Gestalt Therapy.
For these purposes, the article explains the contributions of Gestalt Therapy and Systemic Psychology to vocational orientation, and then delves into four types of interventions that I propose, along with examples of case analysis.

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